My Cycling Experience

Yesterday my class had the opportunity to take cycling lessons. We were introduced to two people named Kyla and Kate who were the coaches who were going to teach us how to be safe while cycling. They first showed us the proper clothing we should wear when cycling. They said that we should wear vibrant colours when cycling so cars can see us easily on the road. The shoes they recommended to wear were closed shoes and not  crocs or sandals

After that they told us to go outside and find the right helmet that fitted us. Once we got our helmets they told us to line up from shortest to tallest by the fence. They got our bikes for us and then split us into two groups. One group were less confident people and one for people who were more confident riders. The more confident people went with Kyla on the top court and the less confident went with Kate under the canopy.

The  first thing we did was riding around the top court in a circle following one another. After that we played a few games and one of the games was called ‘red light green light.’ Once we were done we played this other game where you had to be the last one at the finish line to win but it was really hard to do it since you couldn’t touch the ground and if you did you were out.

After more games we finally played this one game and it was really fun since we had to have a bean bag on out heads while cycling around all these obstacles and if it fall you had to run back and get it. We finally finished but we had a few minutes left before lunch so we played this game called “buddy up” where we had to get a partner and do some challenges like you had to piggy back your or go under them.

I had a lot of fun and I hope we can do it again soon. It is very important to feel confident on a bike and feel safe.


















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