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Making our class movie

At the beginning of Term 3, my teacher brought some very ugly and gross potatoes. into class. We didn’t want to touch them at all. Then later, my teacher brought some new and very pretty potatoes to class and we used these to make our own potato people. My potato looked like a normal person but in a potato body.When I was making my potato I used some shiny  things for the eyes and I used some fabric for the mouth and  some other fabric for its clothes and I gave it  some purple hair with a fringe.

A week later we made these little movies  in groups.  The potatoes we made were used in making the little movie. There are 4 jobs people use to make a movie and they are the director, camera man, scene manager and editor. I really liked being the scene manager because I liked moving all the potatoes slowly for each photo.

Some days later we started making the background stuff and we had to make a rocket,evil layer and castle  and i was making the rocket.

The Stolen Princess  is the name of our Class movie. This is a brief outline of the story: once upon a time there was a princess and it was her birthday but something terrible happened. The princess was captured by an evil monster so the royal astronauts went into space to save her and they went back home and continued the birthday party. They lived happily ever after. I can’t wait to see our stop motion movie at the Manaiakalani Film Festival next term.

Animations Blog – Mother and daughter Beach day

We  have been making animations on my chromebooks in Google slides

I really enjoyed this because I got to explore all the different shapes and make them move.


My favourite part was when i had to decide what to call it and to  choose the different colors

My story is about a mother and a daughter who had a beach day then after they went for a swim  they went home and  had dinner after that then went to sleep.

Ki o Rahi

Last Thursday we were about to learn how to play this game called ki o rahi and our coach was Chelsea. We couldn’t play in the end because it was raining and we couldn’t set up on the field. 

First we watched a video of the story of Ki o rahi and after that we went outside and played this tagging game. We had to get in teams and then coach Chelsea told us our team names. I was on the team Taniwha and the other team was called Kioma. Then our coach called out one of the team names and if she called out kioma the other team had to try and tag someone on the other team. 

When we were done playing we played this other game called octopus. There had to be two octopuses and they would say something like run if you have black shoes, and you have to run to get to the end of the canopy. When we were done coach Chelsea went to the other classes. I am looking forward to next Thursday and hopefully the weather is better and we can learn Ki o rahi.

About me


Kamusta everyone. My name is Olivia and I am 8 years old. I am the youngest in my family and my culture is Filipino. I am a year 4 student at St Patrick’s School.

I think I am pretty good at writing and reading but not that good at maths. My goal this year is to get better at math. I really really enjoy writing.

This year I am looking forward to learning my 12 times tables. The person who inspires me is my older brother, because I want to be an avid reader like him.

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